The Valere Talisman Project

 Mia Straka – Valere talismans

The Valere Talisman Project is an interactive social object project aimed at questioning and re-affirming a universal code of human rights in a climate of rising global xenophobia and mass population movements. The purpose of TVTP is to increase awareness of the effects that imbalanced media coverage and political manipulation have on our perception of minority groups and to encourage more connected, inclusive communities through a sense of personal accountability.
The Valere Talisman Project is an individual project leading on from shared concerns within the collaborative multi-media Talisman Project. TVTP continues the wearer/maker discourse both in real life and online with the interactive #thetalismanproject webpage.
The Valere Talisman Project was in residence at the City Library, Flinders Lane, Melbourne from 25 August – 3 September 2017, as part of the central city contemporary jewellery and object festival, Radiant Pavilionwith generous support from Creative New Zealand.
As one of nine artists exhibiting in Voveo: promise objects for everyday use, curated by Kevin Murray, The Valere Talisman Project engages with visitors in a dialogue addressing a number of values and human rights that may be considered universally applicable. Kevin says of Voveo, ‘The basic motive driving this project is to find a way of being useful in the world. While art clearly holds up an important mirror to reality, the challenge of design is to find ways of changing that world, hopefully for the better. ‘
Hear an interview with Mia Straka about the project during it’s residence at the city Library:

Willing participants in TVTP are asked to choose a certain right or value considered particularly important and relevant to uphold within their own community.

Participants can decide to be a champion of this specific right/value by committing to a positive action. In return a Valere Talisman pendant will be written or stamped with a word(s) symbolising the promise and gifted, to be taken away and worn.

Fulfilment of the promise will be as decided by each participant, consisting of a simple action such as speaking up in the face of bigotry, or helping someone that may be disadvantaged.

The pendant acts as a reminder and visual signifier of the commitment, as well as identifying  participants as an ambassador for the project.

Participants are invited to upload a picture of their Valere Talisman and share it on social media with #thetalismanproject and details of the value and action. We can then see how useful these promise objects are!

Click below for more information and images about Voveo
Click below for more audience posts and pics from talisman exhibitions and happenings
From 25 November – 16 December The Valere Talisman Project was in action Whau wide, in Auckland NZ, with generous support from Whau local board.


Whakatāne, NZ – 2018
  • Whakatāne Museum and Arts, Saturday February 17
Hutt Valley, NZ –  2018
  • Walter Nash Centre, Taita, Tuesday February​ 20
  • Koraunui Hub, Wednesday February 21​
  • Wainuiomata Hub, Thursday Fe​bruary 22​
  • Naenae Library, Friday February 23​
  • The Dowse Art Museum, Petone, Saturday ​February 2​4
Auckland, NZ – 2018 / 2019
  • ‘Face to Face’, Arthaus Orakei, 26 August – 9 September 2018
  • Y12/13 Tech students plus staff at Tangaroa College, 11-12 March 2019